By Deevee47
United Kingdom
Do sturon and stuttgarten onions need their leaves?? Probably, through lack of sunshine, the leaves on most of them are lying horizontally over the ground and don't look like they'll ever stand up again, but the bulbs are expanding. Can the leaves be taken off???
28 Jun, 2013
Yes, don't remove the leaves until they have turned almost completely yellow and brown, and the bulb has been dug up. When the leaves lay down, though, it's a sure sign that harvest is near.
28 Jun, 2013
Bit early I would have thought, we don't expect to harvest our onions for another 6 weeks + When did you plant them Deevee?
29 Jun, 2013
Heavy winds and rain can cause the leaves to lie down.
Check the growing point. If that is starting to curl upwards then your onions are still growing.
Quite a few of mine went the same way after we had a bad storm.
29 Jun, 2013
Oops! I forgot what a bad storm could do to the leaves! 90% of the onions that we grow here are short-day varieties, harvested in April, well before the Monsoon thunderstorms.
29 Jun, 2013
Hi Deevee and welcome to GoY. The leaves need to remain on the onions as they are helping to feed the onion bulb you will harvest and use in cooking.
28 Jun, 2013