By Jenko
United Kingdom
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' problems. I bought this plant less than 2 years ago and for the first couple of years it was fine with super red, healthly leaves. This year however, it's looking really sad and I don't know why or how to save it. Some of the leaves are the right colour while others are green or a mixture of red and green and others are completly shrivelled. At first I thought perhaps it needed ericaceous soil but on checking my books none of them confirm that.
If anyone has any ideas how to save this plant I'd be so grateful as it's a real stunner when it's healthy. Thanks

29 Jun, 2013
I was thinking too little water over the past few months.
29 Jun, 2013
Hot weather tends to fade the purple color in the leaves. One reason why it's not popular here in the desert.
29 Jun, 2013
Mine died this year. I blame it on the weather :-(
29 Jun, 2013
Thank you to all who answered, at least now I know I'm not alone! If I find anything else out I'll let you all know.
1 Jul, 2013
my 'Avondale' is looking sad too. I suspect it is due to the wet summer last year. I have lost a lot of the tree's top branches and it will need pruning.
29 Jun, 2013