By Portobello
United Kingdom
and another ID please?!

1 Jul, 2013
Yes very nice even if it is upside down.
1 Jul, 2013
OMG Moongrower .... Is it ? Can you just get garden questions answered on here or can I get techny help as well. I took the photo with my iPad but couldn't post it (dunno why !) so I sent it to the other halfs computer (apple Mac) and he managed to put it on the website for me ! It's the correct way up on my little computer but upside down on his ! How can this be ? Is it a message from "the other side?" or just me being stoopid coz I don't understand these things ?
1 Jul, 2013
Pix taken on an iPad can end up at any angle once posted to GoY, not sure why try sending a pm to the boys for advice.
1 Jul, 2013
Previous question
Astrantia major, a nice dark form, possibly 'Venice'
1 Jul, 2013