By Autumnglow
Hi there, I have a slab of concrete which is the roof to two bin cupboards. The concrete roof is approximately 4 feet by 3 feet and looks ugly. It's a fixed feature in the front garden and can't be moved. I would like to spruce up the appearance with plants but haven't a clue what to do. If a put some pots on top, they are in danger of being stolen, as we've had pumpkins and other things go missing. I'd appreciate any suggestions please. Thank you.
4 Jul, 2013
A bird concrete bath,
they'll love it and you'll be enterained for free,
4 Jul, 2013
Thank you so much what lovely ideas.
4 Jul, 2013
Green roof? Sedums and sempervivums?
4 Jul, 2013
Yes,Iwas was going to suggest fixing a low border round the edge and filling it with a very gritty compost, mainly gravel, and do just that. If they are planted and not in pots they are much less likely to get stolen.
Not sure how you'd organise drainage though.
4 Jul, 2013
There should be a slope on the roof already
6 Jul, 2013
Yes but I was imagining the water leaking out and dribbling down the sides. Don't suppose it would if it was made by somebody competent!
6 Jul, 2013
Ivy in trays ? Nobody in their right mind would steal that.
4 Jul, 2013