By Cherryz
Dunbartonshire, United Kingdom
Can anyone help ID this plant please. The flowers are just coming out, and are very pretty
- 7 Jul, 2013
Oh wonderful, thankyou so much for the ID and the care information.
Many thanks
7 Jul, 2013
One of the spiraea japonica cultivars. The gold leafed ones include Goldmound, Golden Princess, Candlelight, Firelight. The emerging young foliage identifies the cultivar, some being orange, some bright golden yellow, and then going green as the days lengthen. They are all small shrubs, attaining a height of about 1 ft to 18in dependent upon the pruning regime (which is very easy, cut hard to just a few inches tall in Feb). Spiraea x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' is taller, darker in leaf and flower.
7 Jul, 2013