United Kingdom
To Steragram. Hi and thank you for your help with my question about celery. As i have only got the one little plant will it be alright if i put it in a bigger pot and will it grow o.k in compost. I seem to be making a lot of fuss over 1 little plant it's just that it was given to me in kindness and i can at least try and get it to grow instead of just leaving it to die. Thanks again. kind Regards.
10 Jul, 2013
I found it though. I've never heard of it growing in a pot, but then most folk have more than one! Can you mix your compost, say half and half, with good garden soil? Perhaps you could use a fairly deep pot but only fill it three quarters full, and then when the plant is big enough to earth it up you can just add more to the pot, like you would if you were growing potatoes in patio potato planters.
You aren't making a fuss at all, and I hope it grows successfully for you. This advice is mostly theory I have to confess as I only grew celery once - but I do remember the instructions!
11 Jul, 2013
Hi it will be easier for Steragram to find this if you add in the comment box uder stera's on your original question.
10 Jul, 2013