By Arwadoo
Jammu& Kashmir,
Rose plants continued to be green (inleaves) and some had flowers as well.The temperature was minus 6 degree C.Under these circumstances is it possible to graft the roses successfully.
4 Feb, 2010
Hello Gilli
Thank u for the response.
Under the circumstancesprevaling will the scion wood be cut and utilised as and when the temperature improves or will the scion wood have to be severed and stored now. The buds in the would be scions are already swoolen and looks like breaking open.
7 Feb, 2010
I have always understood that the grafting process should take place very quickly with the cut scion being immediately placed onto the stock plant. The cut pieces will dry out very quickly - sometimes within seconds. The best time to graft is when the blooms are fading and petals dropping on the scion plant, but before the buds swell in preparation for the next flowering. I think storing the scion would be risky.
8 Feb, 2010
The condition prescribed will be followed Thanku
I have uploaded a photo of a foolish rose who has braved the snow and is in bloom withsnow allround.
9 Feb, 2010
Good luck with it Arwadoo.....Be sure to post a pic of your grafted rose. :o)
9 Feb, 2010
Thanks for the good wishes I will send u the photos of the roses i have
10 Feb, 2010
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I would wait until the temperatures are higher Arwadoo.....The frost may not hurt the parent plant but I think it would make short work of any graft. Also, the bushes aren't actively growing much when the temperatures are low. You want the growth of the plant to be active so that the graft will be successfully "absorbed" into the parent.
4 Feb, 2010