By Mark61
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi all i have 2 questions.I would appreciate any help:)))
1) i have a 3-4 year old apple tree and this year the apples have black spots,the leaves are going black too and dying.The apples only seem to get to a certain size then drop off.Unsure as to what is causing this.
2) I have a miniture willow tree and a lot of the leaves are appearing with these small red lumpy spots on the leaves.
Thankyou all again:((((

13 Jul, 2013
many trees go through what is called 'June drop' and this is the plants natural way of limiting the number of fruit the plant can go on to produce with viable seeds. that is hormonal and you cant do anything about that. the scab etc do as Owdboggy says.
agree the willow galls are not a problem to the plant really. Discard them if you don't like them.
13 Jul, 2013
Previous question
Apple is Scab, very much a problem this year, spray with a fungicide suitable for fruit trees. Collect up and burn any fallen fruit and leaves.
Willow has Willow bean sawfly galls. No treatment needed, if only a few then remove the leaves and burn
13 Jul, 2013