blueberry cuttings, has anyone taken cuttings from blueberry plants. if yes what type. soft/hard/semi, what sort of medium needed for cuttings, and when? thanks for help
19 Jul, 2013
blueberry cuttings, has anyone taken cuttings from blueberry plants. if yes what type. soft/hard/semi, what sort of medium needed for cuttings, and when? thanks for help
Like grape, Blueberry can be propagated using both hardwood and green cuttings. If using hardwood cuttings, this is best done in February. Take a pencil width cutting of last years growth cutting it just below a bud. Stick it into a gritty compost and it should root.
If using green cuttings they can be done now. Remove most of the bottom leaves, dip the end of the cutting into hormone rooting powder before putting them into the compost and cover the new cuttings with clear plastic to keep the moisture in. I cut the tops off 2 litre clear plastic coke bottles just below the neck and place the bottles over the cuttings. Remember to remove the labels of course.
Whichever method you use, take a few cuttings as they probably won't all take.
20 Jul, 2013