The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Anns

Dorset, United Kingdom Gb

I have just spent two days hand weeding a crazy paved patio, does anybody know of anything I can spray it with that will stop the weeds coming back ( or considerably slow them down) and ruining all my good work?



You can get a path and patio weedkiller spray, usually containing glyphosate that takes the poison gown to the roots, takes a few days to work and needs to be sprayed on weeds that are actively growing.
Do take care to follow the instructions on the bottle and to keep it away from other plants, lawn edges garden ponds etc.

21 Jul, 2013


Nothing wrong with using roundup in ponds pam....i use it all the time in fully stocked ponds to kill bullrushes, lillies and water hawthorn. Very effective.

21 Jul, 2013


Do you Andy, I didn't know that, just thought better to be safe than sorry.......

21 Jul, 2013


Not much use putting glyphosate on after the weeds have been removed though as it works by translocating the stuff to the roots. If there's no danger of runoff onto beds you can use Pathclear, meant for the job.

21 Jul, 2013


Thank you, it sounds as though Pathclear may do the job.

22 Jul, 2013


I would not use Roundup anywhere near ponds. It is highly toxic to amphibians. Monsanto, who make Roundup, have conducted their own study, and have concluded that it will kill tadpoles, and the adult frogs and toads. It is widely used in ponds, and large bodies of water to control rampant weed growth and, as Andy suggests, works well. However, from my angle as conservationist and speaker to many organisations on wildlife gardening and ponds (as a stand alone subject), I would advise against it

23 Jul, 2013

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