By Snoopdog
United Kingdom
who has hurt janeplant enough to make her quit her blog bye bye
22 Jul, 2013
Nothing on Goy that I have seen.........
22 Jul, 2013
I can't see anything to have caused upset. Sometimes people are a bit pompous or sharp but I haven't noticed anything on her questions/blogs
22 Jul, 2013
Oh no!! I loved Jane's blogs and amazing photos. I missed the goodbye blog too, they've all gone! What did she say in the goodbye blog anyone?
22 Jul, 2013
Sometimes folk just decide to leave, most simply delete their account a few put up a final blog - possibly not realising that once the account is deleted that will go too. Can't say I particularly knew her or commented on her posts.
22 Jul, 2013
You've really missed something special Moongrower, her photos were really beautiful. Her blogs were interesting too, just the kind of member GoY needs.
22 Jul, 2013
That's a shame. She's so artistic - wonder what happened.
22 Jul, 2013
She is back, her photos are still being published and she wrote a blog today or yesterday. So welcome back Jane :O)
25 Jul, 2013
I sent her a PM saying how much we enjoy her blogs and asking her to come back - so pleased she has done!
25 Jul, 2013
I sent her a PM saying I'd miss her if she didn't come back too and I'm so glad she's blogging and showing her lovely photos again!:)
26 Jul, 2013
Don't know Snoopdog, but such a shame. Just read her goodbye blog and it's a mystery.
22 Jul, 2013