The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Ellamo

United Kingdom Gb

I have thousands of slugs on my lawn and my dog keeps eating them and then is sick. If I bought nemetodes to help eradicate them and the dog continued to eat slugs, would the slugs be even more harmful to the dog?
Are nemetodes harmful to dogs?



I would try to discourage your dog from eating them as you can never tell what other people may have used to kill slugs! One way is to go out first and sprinkle salt on them and hopefully the dog will only try eating them once more?

27 Jul, 2013


this is a horrible problem for you!!! Drc may be right, but on the other hand your dog may enjoy 'ready salted' slugs!!uggggh.Do your best to have night time 'hunts' with a torch and a bucket and actually get rid of as many as you can, and then in the daytime you won't see as many around [ obviously keep the dog off the lawn at night time.] Good luck.

27 Jul, 2013


Have you had lots of rain? Its unusual to see them in the dry conditions we've been having. We had this happen one year and it was horrid. Send a text message to all the thrushes and hedgehogs in the area! (Sorry)

27 Jul, 2013


Not text messages, twitter - for the birds!

27 Jul, 2013


Just been reminded - LUNGWORM! Don't let your dog eat slugs.

27 Jul, 2013


Worthy is quite right, until you get rid of the slugs I would invest in a muzzle for your dog, it won't like it to begin with but better than having to take it to the vet.
Then go out with the salt, as DRC said, I got rid of a lawn invasion with this.

27 Jul, 2013


If the dog has already eaten slugs I would take him/her to the vet anyway Ellamo, lungworm can be very serious if not treated.

27 Jul, 2013


Twitter - of course!

27 Jul, 2013

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