By Sid
United Kingdom
I have some seed of Mandevilla laxa - can anyone tell me what to do with it please?! Thanks :-)
6 Feb, 2010
Thanks Sbg, that's a good idea. I've got a shiny new heated propagator and I'm trying to work out what I can put in it and when lol
6 Feb, 2010
sounds like a match made in heaven :o)
enjoy your new toy oops sorry new piece of horticultural equipment. :o)
6 Feb, 2010
You had it right the first time lol
6 Feb, 2010
thought i might have done :o)
6 Feb, 2010
Duly sowed 6 of the seeds today - sowed shallowly in gritty compo and put in propagator.....fingers crossed! :-)
7 Feb, 2010
7 Feb, 2010
Just to let you know, 2 seedlings emerged on the weekend, so I've sowed the rest of the seed now and they're in the propagator - yay! :-)
1 Mar, 2010
Previous question
« Can I move an established Wisteria plant ? If so, how and when please ?
i am not sure sid but why not place some in warmth and hold back for a while with the others. They come from chile so i suspect the will need warmth.
perhaps some one else will be able to help.
6 Feb, 2010