By Karensusan63
Dead Bumble Bees :((
Is anyone else finding dead bumble bees on their garden? I’ve found half a dozen today….all over the place. I wondered if it was just me being more observant than usual, or a sign of something bad.
27 Jul, 2013
Yes I've noticed quite a few over the last couple of months, some already dead, others in the process, and no obvious sign of anything wrong with them, Derek.
27 Jul, 2013
We did have very heavy rain in the night...and they are all large bees. I wonder if it is the rain...
27 Jul, 2013
I've noticed several are trying to get into the flowers from behind the petals, as if they were blind!
Some persist & find their way to the front, whilst others try the wrong approach, give up & exit the garden.
27 Jul, 2013
27 Jul, 2013
some bees 'bite' through the back of flowers to get to the nectar especially of they have short tongues and the flower has a long throat.
27 Jul, 2013
And once the bees have propagated their species, ie laid their eggs and left food for the grub, there is nothing left for them and their life is over.
27 Jul, 2013
I've seen hardly any, dead or alive for weeks. Just one buff tailed bumble today and nothing at all on the marjoram which is usually buzzing with bees and hoverflies.
27 Jul, 2013
Same here, Alliums are usually covered in bees and Butterflies..and hardly any this worrying really..only the Lavender seems to be attracting the Cabbage whites only..
27 Jul, 2013
Perhaps I've been lucky but I've seen lots of bees around the garden recently, and seen evidence of leaf cutter bees. Also have bees nesting under my shed. But sadly have not seen many butterflies.
27 Jul, 2013
Butterflies have just started appearing here....with the huddled a flowers! As for the Bees, I've has thousands....every day my garden has been buzzing all day long, which is very lovely and reassuring. If you want to get tons of bees....grow cotoneaster...they go mad for the flowers! Thanks everyone for all the's interesting, and think it must just be natural causes.
28 Jul, 2013
we've had lots of bees and butterflies for at least a month now. and the dragon and damsel flies are also out in force. perhaps i'm just lucky but I also have a goodly amount of greenfly/lily beetle and vine weevil!
28 Jul, 2013
Some of the fallers are the males who've mated and have had it. Others overdose on nectar (some of the lime species and their hybrids are narcotic), and then fall with the rain. Luckily there are plenty about this year because they've done a sterling job standing in for the honeybee. All my salvia 'Amistad' have been 'cheated on' by the bumble bees unable to creep inside the flower, and have had their flowers punched through at the base for their nectar. Clever little beggars.
28 Jul, 2013
28 Jul, 2013
So far the people with bees seem to be either towards the the east of the country or in Scotland - wonder if this is general?
28 Jul, 2013
They, the bees, I mean, appear to love my climbing nasturtiums.
31 Jul, 2013
An old question, but still relevant. I'm finding lots of dead bumblebees on the paths I walk. I've committed to always picking the poor creatures off the path and putting them in a natural spot--so I don't ignore them. I haven't seen so many in past years!
30 Jun, 2017
I often find the odd one or two, especially after heavy rain. I suspect they get 'knocked' down and wet.
27 Jul, 2013