By Kimnin
Northern Territory,
I am going to be living in Darwin, NT, Australia and will be building a garden from scratch: no trees and barren ground. There are a number of native eucalyptus trees which boarder my block. I want a pretty, colourful, flowering garden without having to have only native plants. Any advise on what works in Darwin with its great contrasts of heat, humidity and wet season? Thanks
29 Jul, 2013
Suggest looking at garden plants suppliers once you're there as it'll be of little value to you if we guess. Even working from books, I could only venture at the right plants, and nothing beats local advice. There are some great books on Australian plants/plants that will thrive in those conditions. It is SO different from here that many plants from temperate climes will suffer.
29 Jul, 2013
Bernieh is in Queensland, a bit nearer than me!
You could try sending her a private message, she has a lovely garden and would help I,m sure
29 Jul, 2013
Go for a walk round the neighbourhood looking over fences at what people are growing. Spring bulbs might be useful. This is interesting. Let us know.
Also some overhead shading for when it is very hot.
Are there any Garden Centres there ?
You may have to plant into a good General Purpose Compost for your plants to grow strong enough to stand the hot weather, and poor soil conditions, to retain moisture. Tucking them up with Bark Chippings on the surface retains moisture too.
I have just been reading ' The Singing Line' by Alice Thompson, the Gt.Gt.Grand daughter of Charles Todd the Telegraph Engineer who set up the first telephone line from Adelaide to Darwin.
She says Alice Springs was named after Charles' wife Alice.
The distances were immense. All done on horseback over rough country, riding from one water hole to the next one.
This line connected with an international cable under the sea to Darwin, and connected Adelaide to Alice Springs, Darwin and London, England. Calls were £9 a minute.
30 Jul, 2013
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Hello and welcome to GOY Kimnin.
Sorry unable to advise as I am in Scotland.
But I am sure our garden friends in Australia can be of help to you with advice.
Good luck.
29 Jul, 2013