By Mikethemod
United Kingdom
I have 2 large hydrangeas in 2 large pots, the last 2 years they have had plenty of healthy foliage, but no flowers, any suggestions why this might be.
29 Jul, 2013
Have you been pruning the hydrangeas Mike, if so you may be cutting of the flower buds.
30 Jul, 2013
I keep one hydrangea in a pot so that I can have a blue one (my soil is alkaline so hydrangeas in the garden are pink). I've found the one in the pot needs plenty of feed and lots of watering to get a good show of flowers. I also water it with Vitax Hydrangea Colourant which encourages the blue flowers. Agree with what Moon growe says about pruning.
30 Jul, 2013
Whilst I agree with what Mg and jaykaty say, I would like to suggest that instead of using vitax hydrangea colourant, you use aluminium sulphate to get blue flowers, I've had a look on line, and it appears to be about a quarter of the price of the vitax, and does exactly the same job, Derek.
30 Jul, 2013
If find the plants getting a little big or leggy, you can always prune 50% of the stems in alternate years, so you always have flowers.
30 Jul, 2013
Thanks everyone for this information. I realise now my Blue Hydrangea had been treated with one of these products when I bought it, although I planted it in a large pot in Ericaceous compost. It has turned pink now even with Ericaceous feed.
30 Jul, 2013
They should be in Ericaceous Compost Mike, and fed every
6 weeks with Ericaceous Plant Food. I have also learned that they like a good soaking, if in a large pot.
Mine is a young one, has responded well, but the flowers are pink !
I have learned this year that this type of plant responds well if treated in the right way. My Blueberries are enormous ! No fruit this year, because I moved them from Limestone soil, hoping for a good crop in 2014.
30 Jul, 2013