By Panddjames
United Kingdom
Now my foxgloves are finished flowering, what is the best thing to do, cut the spikes or leave uncut? They appeared from nowhere last year and left loads of little plants and the small area was a picture this year. Would like a repeat next year - including the good weather!
30 Jul, 2013
what do you recommend for next yrs weather BA?? :o)
30 Jul, 2013
30 Jul, 2013
what? drink it so you don't care about the weather or get on a plane? :o)
either choice works for me haha
30 Jul, 2013
Have some madeira, my dear, it's really much nicer than beer, ............................... etc.
30 Jul, 2013
If it was gin you were wrong to say yes though...
I usually uproot mine after a few have seeded - loads of young plants appear in different places and I just pull out those I don't want.
30 Jul, 2013
Many thanks for advice re foxgloves
31 Jul, 2013
Sorry about the off-topic banter, P&D, it did nothing for your question.
31 Jul, 2013
It brightens the day Bulba. I'm as bad.
31 Jul, 2013
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If you want foxgloves all over the garden just leave the spikes to self-seed. Otherwise, cut them off asap.
30 Jul, 2013