By Peanuts
United Kingdom
i have a buddleja that must have been cut back hard by previous home owners last autumn. it didnt leaf til quite late, April i think and still no sign of any buds. would this be normal? is there a late flowering buddleja it might be?
2 Aug, 2013
thank you, will keep a lookout. Flowering as late as this, is it likely to be a buddleja davidii?
2 Aug, 2013
You should post a picture of the foliage - that could help with identification.
There are later flowering Buddleja cultivars that will only just now be showing their flowerbuds, Autumn Beauty comes to mind although whether this is davidii or not is open to debate. Some of the weyeriana hybrids can flower later as well if cut back hard.
It is worth noting that hard pruning should never be done in the autumn, only in the spring once growth has started. A tidying up trim is all they want in the autumn. It is possible that it was weakened by the pruning and will need this year to recover, especially given the very late start to the spring. Liquid tomato feed may cheer it up.
2 Aug, 2013
one of mine is only just making its buds and I did prune it back quite hard. some do flower later than others. so don't give up hope. They flower on this seasons wood.
2 Aug, 2013