By Chino
United Kingdom
I have a Clematis thats looking quite unwell -Very droopy-
not with lack of water, could it be Clematis wilt. I think its Elsa Spath, big blue flowers, Should I cut it back to the growth that looks healthy near the bottom of the plant.
3 Aug, 2013
I put large pebbles round the base of mine as they like their roots to be cool.
4 Aug, 2013
May I ask if it drooping from the top or dying from the base? Snails love to eat the bark from the base of Clematis which causes the plant to die from the TOP!. Wilt attacks the base of the plant so the leaves die from the BOTTOM.
I know it is often given advice to put pebbles or rocks or slate round the base of Clematis to shade the roots, but this does provide a perfect home for the Clematis worst enemy, the dread molluscs.
Another sign of Wilt is a purple stain inside the cut stem.
4 Aug, 2013
Hi Owdboggy. Its wilting from the top, the bottom seems ok, Seaburngirl advises cutting it back which I thought of doing, but is it the right time to cut back Elsa Spath clematis, I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
I once had a lovely dog called Boggy, never heard it before until I read your name, and there I was thinking I'd made up something unique !
5 Aug, 2013
It was my Dad's nickname in the Navy.
There is no point keeping a dead or dying stem, cutting it back is probably the best option. I would have a close look at the base of the stem and see if there is any damage to it, either from molluscs or .........whatever. We have had one go back like this and it was my fault, I had clipped the thing with the lawnmower.
5 Aug, 2013
Thanks Boggy, will do.
5 Aug, 2013
I moved 3 up from the allotment field when I had to give
up gardening down there. They are growing in their new
tubs but havent producted any flowers. Harry was right -
he said 'Never move a Clematis .'
6 Aug, 2013
Previous question
yes it does sound like c wilt. yes cut it back and see how it gets on. make sure you do give it plenty of water though.
3 Aug, 2013