By Phloxie
United Kingdom
I have collected a small number of non-hardy fuchsia plants which I would like to keep overwinter. I only have a cold greenhouse. Would it be possible to keep them if I put them in thick cardboard boxes lined with polystyrene and put them in a cold greenhouse. Answers would be appreciated likewise any other suggestions. Many thanks.
On plant
Overwintering fuchsia plants.
5 Aug, 2013
. . . and be patient next year. Overwintered fuschia seem to be quite late in showing new life.
5 Aug, 2013
I usually manage to overwinter my fuchsias in a cold green house with only occasional casualties - it's quite mild here. I cut the watering right down, as Seaburngirl advises. When I see signs of tiny green shoots in the spring, I cut the plants back to just above the new growth and gradually build up the watering. Taking cuttings is a very good idea.
5 Aug, 2013
Do cut them back as Melchisedec says - it is tempting to allow the old stems to regrow if they show buds, but they do grow much better from the base than on last years wood. Spraying them with tepid water can encourage them to start into growth again.
6 Aug, 2013
Thank you all for your very helpful advice, it was much appreciated.
6 Aug, 2013
that would work and remember to reduce the watering so they don't rot off in the cold. take insurance cuttings too and keep them in a cool unheated spare room/porch.
5 Aug, 2013