why has my Japanese Aisa gone like brown parer on the tips and edges?
By Crissie49
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
why has my Japanese Acer gone like brown parer on the tips and edges?
Many thanks to all of you for your thoughts and I think you are all right. It is at present in a big pot on my south facing balcony which has had a lot of sun this year and as I am on the top floor it does catch the wind. I have moved it to the back corner where it won't get the sun all day and If I have the awning down it will be more protected. Thanks once again
9 Aug, 2013
yes I'd agree with that diagnosis.
9 Aug, 2013
I would transplant it into a large pot in the Autumn,
then you can move it about to shady sheltered places.
I have moved an Acer this hot summer like this.
We need a list of plants that dont mind being exposed
to hot, windy, weather conditions.
( Alright, I know it may be wet next year !)
10 Aug, 2013
If you live in a hot, dry climate like I do, you may have those brown tips and edges every summer no matter what you do, but you can minimize them. Salty soil or water--common from the Pecos River to Los Angeles, an up though the western Great Plains and Great Basin--will also cause those symptoms.
11 Aug, 2013
Thanks everyone...
12 Aug, 2013
You're welcome, Chrissie! It's weird, though--when I first saw this question, I could have sworn that the flag indicated the U.S.
15 Aug, 2013
Previous question
Combination of sun and wind..I would say.....I believe they hate both.
9 Aug, 2013