United Kingdom
Japanese Anemone (Hadspen Abundance)?
Has anyone grown this plant and, if so, do you have any comments?
I had hoped to plant it in my small front border but on reading up on it, it does seem to have a spreading habit and might take over.
What are your thoughts?
10 Aug, 2013
Thanks Owsboggy (what a lovely name). Maybe a container would be best?
10 Aug, 2013
By far the best anemone to grow is the one called Wild Swan...it was the Chelsea plant of the year 2012. It flowers well in pots and will bloom from early June to September and beyond. I have three pots and they are lovely. Look for them in google and if I am allowed to say the plant sellers Crocus stock them.
10 Aug, 2013
Don't do it if you only have a small space. Madame Jobert is a nice white one that's much better behaved.
10 Aug, 2013
Funny thing about White Swan, it is almost exactly the same as Anemone rivularis, white with a blue reverse and at least the species is well behaved.
10 Aug, 2013
Hallo all. The Japanese Anemone sure does spread...and quickly. I have them coming up in all sorts of places in my garden...thank goodness I have a bigish garden so it doesn´t realy matter...and they add a nice splash of colour, and the bees etc etc love them:
10 Aug, 2013
I didn't mean don't plant Wild Swan, I meant the pink 'abundance!"
10 Aug, 2013
Another good Japanese anemone is 'Whirlwind'. It's quite short, and has double, white flowers, and doesn't seem to spread either
10 Aug, 2013
Thank you everyone. The Japanese Anemone is sitting in its pot on my garden table looking totally innocent but, from your comments, perhaps it's better not to let it loose on my tiny garden.
I have a friend with a large garden. Perhaps she would like it.
11 Aug, 2013
Abundance is the name and it sure is!
If it likes your garden, then stand back and watch it take over.
10 Aug, 2013