By Hijuju
United Kingdom
I have got a list of Red Cross Open Gardens if anyone is interested(that is if i can find where i put it.The old man keeps moving things, he keeps spring cleaning the place and i cant find nothing aaaagggghhhhhhh)
9 Feb, 2010
The list of gardens sounds good,....and can I be after Megan,please?
Dusters,vac,and cups of tea provided !
9 Feb, 2010
You'll have to hire him out, Hijuju - for charity, maybe? LOL.
Yes, do please write a blog if the list isn't too long. Maybe just the spring ones to start with??
9 Feb, 2010
Ive just done a seperate blog for the list of the open gardens.They are all in Essex .There is usually a Red Cross sign when you approach them.
9 Feb, 2010
Each county has its own scheme for Red Cross. I'll write a blog when I get the ones for Berkshire
9 Feb, 2010
I would like the list of Red Cross Open Gardens please. You have a husband who Spring cleans . . . send him round to me . . . quickly !
9 Feb, 2010