By Bayview
United Kingdom
final question. as you can tell I'm a novice gardener with a big garden. My builders recently destroyed a lot of my plants including hydrangeas. i still have some hydrangeas and want to propogate. however how easy is this to do and guidance on when and how to do it would be appreciated. as the weather's getting better I intend to get outside and tackle the garden.
9 Feb, 2010
thanks for that but being a novice i am unsure what is meant by semi ripe? Also if hopefully hey take when can you plant the new ones out?
i like you have children that are now getting older and its affording me some time to spend on the garden.
10 Feb, 2010
semi ripe are ones that are not fresh and young but not yet fully woody. they will have had leaves on them for about 3-4 months. July august is a good time for this plant. chose now flowering stems too. They could be potted up into larger pots in the following spring and then propbable into the garden the year after. good luck.
10 Feb, 2010
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mid summer , take semi ripe cuttings from non flowering stems. take a 3" stem remove the bottom leaves and plant in a good quality compost. keep in a warm not hot place. water well. they usually take ok.
9 Feb, 2010