By Oldmacsfarm
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
hi everyone ive had some seeds in a proporgator for a couple of weeks now and now they are ready to be potted on ive put them in small potts but some of them have willted am i doing something wrong? i have planted tom,chillies,and some hebs
9 Feb, 2010
thanks for your response, i have still got them in the house iam keeping them there for a couple of weeks before i put them in my greenhouse,
9 Feb, 2010
was the compost very cold? I have found this can be a problem as they have been warm. also the fine roots get damaged which leads to the wilting. they may well recover in a day or too. water them lightly.
9 Feb, 2010
thanks very much for your realy usefull answers its give me peace of mind if anything? i brought the compost in the house the night before so i think the compost was warm enough, i must have damaged some of the small roots,and your right they have started to pick today ,once again thanks for your advice.
11 Feb, 2010
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Its still very cold have they enough heat, I don't start mine until the end of march as I only have a cold greenhouse to transfer them to, even then I cover them up at night
9 Feb, 2010