United Kingdom
a few years ago i was able to buy a spray to help get ride of ivy but i am not able to get it any where now. can anyone help if they know of a spray which kills the roots. thank you
21 Aug, 2013
Have you tried this Louisa? If so how did you prevent the spray just running off the waxy surface of the leaves please? i thought the only sure remedy for ivy was digging it out so it would be good to know.
21 Aug, 2013
I would have thought that if you sprayed the weedkiller, taking particular care to coat the underside of the leaves, it would do the trick. I foresee quite a few re-applications if you want to make sure an established plant is completely dead.
22 Aug, 2013
I've sprayed some weedkiller on a neighbour's ivy (with their permission!) and it seemed to kill it, though I admit that now, a few years later, it's creeping back up. Spraying the back of the leaves does help it absorb the spray.
22 Aug, 2013
Never thought of that. Our ivy is so prolific it would take for ever to spray the backs of the leaves. Noseypotter has been trying to kill his for ages and I think he's given up - tried everything he could think of. I hope the weedkiller works for you Margaret - would you be kind enough to come back and tell us if it does?
22 Aug, 2013
There are systemic weedkillers available at most garden centres that will kill ivy. Just spray it on, wait a few days and it should be dead.
21 Aug, 2013