By Peanuts
Surrey, United Kingdom
Why haven't my geraniums grown ? I thought Geraniums grew anywhere, easy to grow etc. I planted mine in April, but they have struggled all summer with little growth. Any idea why ? I also planted some Geranium Rozanne in July and again growth has been slow. Any advice ? We are on sand with lots of ants. Would that be anything to do with it ?
The first photo is one I planted in March and this is as much as it has grown, the second photo is the Rozanne.
- 21 Aug, 2013
If its any consolation my Rozanne has been totally pathetic this year, and last year it spread all over the place. It might help to improve your sand with some good compost but I don't think the ants would be doing any harm.
21 Aug, 2013
I would not worry too much, they were very small possibly when you put them in, next year you will see a big difference, if it were me i would lift them out at the back end and improve the soil with some decent well rotted compost then put them back in trust me next year they will romp away, once established after a year or two cut them down after flowering mid summer, a lovely cushion of foliage will soon appear and sometimes a second flush of flowers.
21 Aug, 2013
Have you kept them watered? On sand they would need this and probably feeding too!
21 Aug, 2013