By Lynda123
United Kingdom
Hi could any one recommend a good plant to grow in a very large terracotta pot. Thanks
24 Aug, 2013
You can grow Camelias in large pots Linda and Roses .
Do you want it to bloom?
24 Aug, 2013
It also depends where the pot is, cammelia for example can drop their buds in the early morning sun.
25 Aug, 2013
Thanks everyone.
30 Aug, 2013
How about a fern or a group of ferns. You could have a topiary buxus and maybe underplant with bulbs and annuals. Winter flowering pansies can go in now and begonia sempervirens for the summer months.
25 Sep, 2013
You must give us more details of what you are looking for, type of plant, where the pot will be kept etc etc.
24 Aug, 2013