By Oloroso
United Kingdom
My son's family with a young family have recently moved into a house with a garden invaded by Euphorbia Wulfenii from the neighbours garden, in a completely inappropriate place. In view of its toxic sap, what should I treat the protruding stumps with please?
26 Aug, 2013
Exactly. You haven't really got an option if you want them removed. Even dead they'll need digging out. They haven't got a huge root system.
26 Aug, 2013
Not easy when its next door coming under the concrete block at the base of the fence! Think we'll try Roundup on new growth. Thanks anyway.
26 Aug, 2013
I suspect you will still need to dig out. This is also a good opportunity for your son to teach his children not to eat anything growing in the garden! There are a huge number of plants which are toxic.
26 Aug, 2013
Dig them out is the best solution.
26 Aug, 2013