By Detta
Red beech Hedge -
At the moment we have a green wire fence with ivy - which I don't like since it gets into my other plants and shrubs.
We are thinking of planting red beech hedge. The supplier told us that these will be available for purchase in November. Any tips and tricks? as to when is the ideal time for planting... the best method maybe...
also, whether this is a good hedge...
thank you all
3 Sep, 2013
Bamboo knows so much, it's amazing! I thought you meant copper beech Detta, but maybe not. It does make a beautiful hedge, but I don't know the correct Latin name for it.Yes, I think you do plant in Autumn.
5 Sep, 2013
Lol, Freeasabird! I'm 100% certain you're just as well informed about whatever job you do (or have done) as well... my work just happened to be horticulture. Show me a maths problem or a car engine and I'm stumped...
6 Sep, 2013
Sorry, hard to answer without knowing precisely which plant you mean, so when you say red beech, are you referring to Nothofagus fusca? The name red beech is used for 3 different species... Or do you mean Fagus sylvatica purpurea, which is purple beech, or even Fagus sylvatica, the one which is green but retains dead leaves over winter?
3 Sep, 2013