United Kingdom
When is the best time to prune Hydrangeas?
12 Feb, 2010
i tend to do mine april/march depending on how much frost we have still.
12 Feb, 2010
Exactly! :-))
12 Feb, 2010
I don't do them till April, and then the middle of April, once I can see where the new growth is coming from, and I'm in London - where you are, I'd certainly wait till mid April, possibly longer, unless we're having a warmer than usual spring.
13 Feb, 2010
do you think we will have a warmer than normal spring? lots of sleet this afternoon :o(
13 Feb, 2010
Oooh - nasty. (shiver!).
13 Feb, 2010
No idea, Seaburngirl - maybe, maybe not, you never know, we can but hope... One thing I do know about the weather in England - it can turn in a heartbeat from freezing and dull to warm and sunny (in Spring anyway)
14 Feb, 2010
and in summer in my experience. :o(
especially when hubby is off work and wanting to go out on his bike!
14 Feb, 2010
We do sometimes get all four seasons in one day, don't we! lol.
14 Feb, 2010
yep sure do.
14 Feb, 2010
Not yet - wait until the very cold weather is over, as the dead flower heads give a little protection to the new shoots. I normally do mine in March - you are a lot further north, so be careful not to cut them back too soon.
12 Feb, 2010