By Foxhaven
United Kingdom
I planted a black elder about 4/5 weeks ago and it is dying, from the bottom up [leaves turning paler colour and falling off]
Other shrubs planted same time, same area are all ok - what have I done wrong?
Could buy another but if I don't know what I did wrong chances are I could do it again - any advice?
6 Sep, 2013
Yes, the transplanting and warm weather will have stressed the plant. But, they are deciduous and as tough as old boots - don't worry it'll come back strong next year.
I cut a 10 foot specimen down in early August, dug it out having to chop through thick roots and planted it in my daughter's garden. It now has fantastic new growth!
7 Sep, 2013
Thank you and phew, what a relief I was thinking it was gone for good.
On the subject of being deciduous, will it hurt my new young Silver Birch if I allow the little caterpillars to eat the leaves?
I don't want to spray it because of the other insects [lovely green bush crickets] and because they are food for the birds.
8 Sep, 2013
Betula are tough - let the little wrigglers have their fill!
Birch and oak provide habitat and food for many species - and they haven't died out - yet!
8 Sep, 2013
more thanks - and another phew. I think [being a novice and planting lots of new stuff] perhaps I worry too much and am over protective. I have had a lot of trouble with foxes and squirrels digging things out so now guard them like a mother hen.
8 Sep, 2013
The birch will soon lose its leaves anyway, so I would not worry about the caterpillars.
8 Sep, 2013
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Did you keep it well watered. This summer has not been a good time for planting trees because of thehot, dry weather. Your tree would have needed several gallons per day.
6 Sep, 2013