By Binnie
United Kingdom
I have a Flamingo tree that I planted 7 yrs ago from a young tree. About a year ago we trimmed it into shape to make it look more rounded and a yr later did the same. This year the tree has produced no foliage at all and appears to have died. any advice would be greatly received.
10 Sep, 2013
And in Spring means just after the catkins (if it gets any) have finished. That is if you want catkins.
10 Sep, 2013
I fear if it has had no leaves all summer you can think the worst, but perhaps give it until next Spring just to be on the safe side. Scrape the bark with a fingernail and if the underneath is green you have hope. If the wood is brown it has no life in it. Willow is a very determined plant and it may just send up a shoot from the base if that's what it is..
10 Sep, 2013
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If you're talking about Salix hakuro nishiki (rather than Acer negundo 'Flamingo') then the time to clip it to shape is spring, not autumn. Doing it in autumn can force new growth, which gets killed in cold weather, and can cause dieback.
10 Sep, 2013