By Karensusan63
my daughter's class would like to grow some bamboo in the's right on the north coast of Scotland....I don't mean Aberdeen....or Inverness....I mean the proper north coast! Anyway, we need a fast growing bamboo that's as hardy as possible and can be sunk into the ground in a half barrel or similar. They want to harvest the canes and learn how to make use of them. Which would be the best do you think? I'm thinking Phyllostachys Aurea?
11 Sep, 2013
Thanks Freeas...I did mean in the barrel in the ground. I've found out that Fargesia Murielae is even tougher and doesn't need a barrier, so it could be even better. Thanks though!
11 Sep, 2013
How about going to the other end of the earth and getting a South American bamboo Chusquea Culeou.
Fargesia Murielae is one of the most common but is supposedly hardy down past -20 degrees. There's a specialist grower -Scottish Bamboos (mail order only) based a few miles from Fraserburgh ( not as far north as Tongue but worth a look at their website.
ps perhaps they could sell any surplus to Edinburgh Zoo for the pandas ;o)
11 Sep, 2013
Will it get that cold, Karen? Being on the coast and getting the benefit of the Gulf Stream should help. I would expect both of us to get colder weather.
12 Sep, 2013
Its an escapologist you could come over the top or from below.
Ours are in pots with an outer pot that can be insulated, it bent the plastic pot out of shape.......
12 Sep, 2013
Nah...I don't think it does gat that cold BA....but we'll see! I'm hoping I won't be getting colder weather than either you OR Rachel! Lol! In fact, I'm hoping it will be like 2007 and we won't have a single could happen again! :))
12 Sep, 2013
Previous question
I agree with your choice karen! we have it here [not Scotland of course] but it's exposed site and we have been through some awful Winters and its fast growing and very hardy.We don't have it in a barrel though it's in the ground [or do you mean IN the ground in barrel?]No special attention, but we do make sure it's well watered as we live in dry area.
11 Sep, 2013