By Bulbaholic
Moray, Scotland
Fern ID
Any of you feel that you can identify this fern for me, please?
We have had it for years and it is now in a 12" pot living outdoors 365/12.
- 16 Sep, 2013
yes I agree. its a good doer Bulbaholic. I have it in my garden too.
16 Sep, 2013
Thanks, Kildermorie. I can't find any info on the ssp. but will accept your word for it.
Certainly a good doer, Sbg, it is a venerable plant and thrives on neglect.
17 Sep, 2013
I was going to say Hart's tongue fern [Asplenium scolopendrium] but the top of the fronds are unusual. I will have a read up in my book!
Edit - looks like "Scolopendrium vulgare sublineato-striatum" So a variety of the above.
16 Sep, 2013