By Penny1
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I would like to say a really big Thank You to the kind people who responded to my question about my "Orange Star." I have got the information stick with me so will type out here what it says. Climber. Thunbergia Alata 'Orange Star' (Black Eyed Susan) is a fast growing climber with triangular, toothed green leaves. It produces orange flowers with a dark centre from mid-summer to the first frosts. For best results plant in a sheltered site (which it is!). This evergreen climber grows and flowers year after year if protected from temeratures below 7o C. I'm so grateful for any help at all, it's looking so very sad at the moment. Warmest Wishes to you all - Penny
15 Feb, 2010
I had a feeling it'd be black eyed susan! Obviously it's a bit tender, not tolerating below 7degC and we've had a lot lower than that this winter. Even so, leave it till spring - it may shoot from the base. If not, dig it up and replace it - many people in this country buy this every year and grow it as an annual, knowing they'll lose it in the winter. If it starts growing, cut back to where the new growth is, but not before end April.
15 Feb, 2010