By Notacluemick
United Kingdom
When is the best time to re-site Tre Lilly bulbs. what is the best way to rid my lilies of the little red beetles that lay eggs on the underside of the leaves?
19 Sep, 2013
Moving them after the first frost has killed back the top growth is fine. They will not grow as much next year as they take 2-5 years to get to 6ft+ and need the root system to do that and anchor.
19 Sep, 2013
Thank you steragram and kildermorie for your help and advice.
notacluemick. (but I am learning1)
23 Sep, 2013
Usual recommended way with the beetles is to squish them. When they fall off the plant they go upside down and are hard to see so some people put paper underneath to catch them. Be aware that they are liable to fly off if you aren't quick enough! Sorry can't help with the tree lilies, but usually the best time to move lilies is when they have died back but while there is still some dead stem to show where they are.
19 Sep, 2013