By Oxokaty
United Kingdom
do you leave lily bulbs in pot
21 Sep, 2013
I re-poy ALL potted bulbs every year (in theory- occaisionally time runs out!).
21 Sep, 2013
I have 3 lily regarle and 3 pink perfection and both did well in pots this year. I fed them during flowering and after flowering and will keep them in the pots for next year. I will move them to a cold greenhouse in December and hopefully they will bloom again next year.
22 Sep, 2013
For 're-poy' read 're-pot'. It was late at night when I posted that!!!
22 Sep, 2013
Why bother potting them when you can plant them deep with good drainage and they will grow better in the ground and propagate themselves?
22 Sep, 2013
I planted some late flowering white ones in a pot at our old house 10years ago. They moved here with us,still in the pot outside the back door, never repotted and always flower well. I do feed them very occasionally but they are usually neglected. Idon't deserve them! Have to say that this autumn I am thinking about putting them in some new compost.
22 Sep, 2013
Previous question
I leave mine in the ground now and do not bother with pots.
21 Sep, 2013