By Lawford
United Kingdom
The oleanders, planted in pots last year, have grown vigorously and look very healthy. All have produced several buds but only a few of these have flowered, the rest appear to be in a state of suspended animation. What's wrong?
24 Sep, 2013
I nurtured an oleander from a cutting some years ago, I think it flowered once, in one of the hot summers (but not 1976). It is a Mediterranean plant and the cool, dull start to this summer probably wouldn't have encouraged flowering. That said, I saw one at the weekend in a nursery, but it was growing under cover and was in the 'houseplant' section.
24 Sep, 2013
The weather conditions. Oleanders like hot, dry weather and like to be in full sun in rich soil. Often, in Britain, particularly if we've had a cold spring (and we did, right up to mid June) the buds form too late, just as the days are shortening and the temperatures falling. Sometimes, in a mild winter, they may remain on the plant and open early in the spring, but mostly they don't. If yours are in full sun in a southfacing position and the weather continues warm with sun, they may yet open.
24 Sep, 2013