United Kingdom
I am having major problems with a 15 year old, (3 trunk) Cordyline which I planted in the ground last July and would value your opinion and help with this matter.
Since transferring the plant from a tub into the ground it never really perked up or showed any signs of growth.
Having concerns about this, I contacted the plant supplier within the first few months and was told this was normal and it will pick up.
Still having concerns about the plant, and the forthcoming severe winter forecast, I contacted the supplier again around October and was told “not to worry this was normal, it will pick up in the spring and they can withstand temperatures down to -15 centigrade”.
Upon return from holiday on 23 January 2010, I noticed one of the three crowns had fallen off the plant and it was shedding a lot of leaves.
I immediately contacted my supplier and explained I had serious concerns about the plant and requested he came out to see it.
He eventually came out, removed a second crown and numerous other leaves and said “the plant was not dead but was suffering due to the lime content in my garden soil and that there were some small worms and eggs on the plant trunks which could also be affecting it”.
He has also continuously stated that “Cordylines do not like lime and the plant will be drawing up toxins from the limestone” which is about 30 inches below the soil in my garden.
I hope you can help me with my problem and I look forward to your opinion and help in this matter.
Kind Regards
Dave Barnfather

17 Feb, 2010
did he tell you this about the lime when you were thinking of buying it? is the area where you live and the area of the gc have similar soil pH. again if yes then he shouldnt have suggested it for you.
My neighbour has a fine specimen and we are on chalk chemically similar to limestone.
Worms /eggs would probably have been there before. did he say which worms they were?
17 Feb, 2010