By Pink_locust
New Jersey,
United States
I have a black locust tree, a leguminous plant that apparently grows via root suckering and stump sprouting, I need to get rid of it. How do I manage this since I've also read that cutting it will just make it develop more
On plant
Robinia pseudoacacia
17 Feb, 2010
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Robinia Pseudoacacia 'Frisia'
£40.00 at Burncoose -
Robinia Pseudoacacia Frisia
£38.95 at Blooming Direct
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All of these suckering trees and shrubs (I thought it was a good idea to plant lots of Ailanthus trees!) can be kept under control by mowing. If you get the tree out, and kill the stump, as long as you keep cutting and destroying the suckers you will soon overwhelm it.
Bit tedious, but it does work (unlike the dreaded Japanese knotweed, which proves immortality does exist!)
18 Feb, 2010