By Adamsmba
Kentucky, United States
I purchased a really pretty woody vine @ Lowe's in the Spring and used it as the tall central plant in a whiskey barrel. It looks tropical, and I have no idea what it is. I live in central Ky so I know it won't winter in the pot or probably outside even planted. Can someone tell me what this is and how I should try to keep it over the winter?
- 29 Sep, 2013
It's a Mandevilla
29 Sep, 2013
That's it, thanks Badfish...
29 Sep, 2013
Mandevilla! That was it! I will bring them inside. Thank you so much for responding so quickly. :)
30 Sep, 2013
That's the second one in just a few days. Dipladenia is the other name. South American. Great plants for a long show of flower.
30 Sep, 2013
It's a pity the flowers aren't open - it looks familiar, and if the flowers open right out into sort of trumpets, I do know what it is, but I can't for the life of me remember its name. It isn't frost hardy, so the only way it'll survive a winter is if you keep it somewhere that doesn't get frosted, so possibly indoors, not near a heat source, and not on a cold windowsill, or in a warmish green house.
29 Sep, 2013