Lawn in need of help
By Hammer
east sussex,
United Kingdom
I have a lawn which has been laid for nearly 2 years now,and this summer its looking very patchy. In some areas the grass has gone a yellow/brown colour. I have just last week treated it to a evergreen weed and feed product hoping this may revive it to a fresh looking green colour. Am i doing the right thing? and is there anymore i can do to help it? please
11 Jun, 2008
Ok thanks very much for that, will certainly investigate as the lawn is looking a little worse for wear in places.
11 Jun, 2008
That's what the badger dig for in my lawn! They really are disgusting looking things, aren't they.
11 Jun, 2008
Don't know much about lawns, but my mum bought some strips of turf from a garden centre a couple of weeks ago, & when she went to lay it, she found a large grub-thing (actually quite repulsive, & I don't mind caterpillars and things!). I googled lawn grub & there's a few types that come up - chafer beetle I think is one of them. Yellowing in patches can be a sign of grub damage. The little grubs bury themselves into the soil over the winter, & come up nearer the surface in late spring & damage the grass roots....apparently you should pull back a damaged area to check the soil underneath. They're large creamy coloured, crescent-shaped things with a darker head.
Might be worth checking?
11 Jun, 2008