United Kingdom
can I prune my Escallonia hard back in spring? It's over ten years old and has gone very leggy.
19 Feb, 2010
mine has gone all leggy and lost loads of its leaves. it was about six foot after ive chopped it, its about wont have many flowers this year but hopfully it will thicken up in the summer...sometimes i think u have to forgo flowers and chop things back...
19 Feb, 2010
Thankyou Pamq and Sandra
Mine flowers later in the summer so i think I'll try taking it back in stages, starting when the weather warms up. The flowers are insignificant so I can forego them this year.
19 Feb, 2010
by giving a shrub a year off from flowering , it uses all its energy growing...;-)
19 Feb, 2010
It seems a good idea to prune it this year then..
Thanks Sandra
19 Feb, 2010
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I'd wait until it has finished flowering as mine flowers quite early can you prune it in stages ie over a couple of years so that it doesnt 'shock ' it too much maybe reduce its height so that it still has plenty of leaf left to feed it
19 Feb, 2010