By Twycross
United States
when is the best time to plant daffodil bulbs
1 Oct, 2013
Actually, unlike most bulbs, daffodils like to be in the ground by the end of August, because that's when they start putting out roots. Get them in asap, they should be fine.
1 Oct, 2013
Generally spring is the best time to plant every kind of flower bulbs not only daffodils because in spring flower plants can take maximum nutritions from atmosphere which is helpful to grow easily.
1 Oct, 2013
Not so, Roisaneaster. I had a look at your link and nowhere does it say plant in spring. Bloomtime is spring, not planting time.
1 Oct, 2013
Agree with Bamboo except that I like tyo gety all bulbs back in the soil as early as possible. If you try to keep daffodils until spring, Roisaneaster, you will usually find that you have a bag of dried dust.
1 Oct, 2013
There is an exception with tulips.....they must be planted late as November.
1 Oct, 2013
I may be wrong,Rolsaneaster,but as you are from Florida,I presume your zone may be different from here in Britain ?
Coming up to our Autumn,is when they are planted here....
1 Oct, 2013
Sorry Johnp, but I consider that to an old wives tale. What happens to the tulips in your garden that you don't dig up? They just get on with it.
1 Oct, 2013
Look at all the websites Bulbaholic and you will see that the advice given for planting tulips is late autumn....this reduces the risk of Tulip Fire.
1 Oct, 2013
If we waited until November to plant the soil would be so cold and possibly frosted the tulips wouldn't stand a chance.
1 Oct, 2013
Re tulips - there is a recommendation to wait till as late as November to reduce tulip fire risk, but in practice, they can be planted any time from September onwards, just the later the better.
1 Oct, 2013
Tulip Fire is a fungal disease, Botrytis tulipae, which is in the bulb when you buy it. The only possible benefit of planting late is that the fungus may have died whilst being stored, but this is unlikely.
If you have already had diseased tulips in the garden then the fungus is likely to be in your soil so you should avoid planting more tulips for several years to allow the fungus to die out.
1 Oct, 2013
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from now onwards, about 2 and half to 3 times deep, the size of the bulbs
1 Oct, 2013