By Louise1
United Kingdom
Anyone Had A Problem Accessing GoY ?
Obviously i'm here now but i kept getting an odd message on the screen saying '502 Bad Gateway'.
All other sites were fine .... very queer.
20 Feb, 2010
It happened for about 15 minutes and i knew it couldn't have just been my pc, no problems with slow loading now though :-/
20 Feb, 2010
I couldnt Open GOY @ all Louise & kept getting the 502 Bad Gateway page,My other net pages were fine :)
20 Feb, 2010
Yes ... happened to me downunder as well. All seems fine now though.
20 Feb, 2010
It must have been just a blip on this site !
20 Feb, 2010
Terratoonie would say its the fpp! :o)
20 Feb, 2010
20 Feb, 2010
I had trouble about 3 days ago, but not since
20 Feb, 2010
yes at about 11am uk time but its ok now
20 Feb, 2010
I had that message today when on the internet but I was not on GOY. I deleted my cookies and havent seen it again ?
20 Feb, 2010
Iv had that Prob about 5mins ago Louise & My Page is loading so Slowly :(
20 Feb, 2010