nandina domestica
By Jimd
United Kingdom
how do i prune this plant
11 Jun, 2008
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« I recently planted 2 coral bells. We've had a ton of rain in the last 5 or 6...
Careful pruning produces denser growth. This is done in the spring, by removing the oldest branches and any weak growth at ground level. You may remove up to 1/3 of the canes.
This is a plant that prefers acid to neutral soil, but it will also do well in rich, moist conditions in summer. Don't let it become waterlogged in winter. Some sun will produce the best colouring, but partial shade will not matter, provided you choose a sheltered corner. The smaller versions such as 'Fire Power' or 'Gulf Stream' do well in pots. 'Richmond' seems to be the most reliable for berries.
Nandina domestica can grow to more than 2m (6.5ft) in the right conditions, and in the southern states of the US it has a reputation for being invasive.
Its berries are mildly toxic to pets, but birds love them. Berries will germinate extremely slowly, so propagation from cuttings is more reliable. Take them in summer from semi-ripe wood and keep them in a heated propagator until they root. Overwinter under glass or give plants some protection for the first two years. If it is happy, Nandina domestica will produce runners that can be dug up and replanted.
11 Jun, 2008