By Sitheblade
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I am planning on going to a Rose Garden Centre but I can't decide which one to goto David Austin or Fryers Roses,so if anyone has ever been to either one which one do you recommend.
21 Feb, 2010
I've always had good results from Fryers. If you're buying bare root wouldn't it be better to go on line. much more info and cheaper. My favorite rose garden is off the A49, Hadnall. between Shrewsbury and Whichurch. It's a small private place where you drink tea ect. amongst the roses. We go even if we don't need plants.
21 Feb, 2010
I thought buying roses online would cost more than it would by going in person.
21 Feb, 2010
Previous question
I bought a David Austin rose , 'Rhapsody in blue' last week which looks excellent.
21 Feb, 2010