United Kingdom
Hi, we have a lovely collection of Iris foetidissima. The pods are still beautiful but I am unsure what care the plant needs in terms of pruning, cutting out old leaves etc. Many thanks, Allie
On plant
Iris foetidissima
22 Feb, 2010
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Unless you want millions of the dratted things all over your garden, cut off the seed pods before the seeds get taken by the birds and spread.....................................everywhere.
22 Feb, 2010
I couldn't agree more, have removed them all !
22 Feb, 2010
Have you ever noticed the flowers? They are so delicately coloured that most people wouldn't notice them. Watch out for them this year.
22 Feb, 2010
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You have almost answered your own question. Yes, just cut back damaged and dying leaves as and when they appear. I think the cut ends smell like beef stock!. Presumably, this is where the foetidissima part of the name comes from.
22 Feb, 2010