By Newby15
United Kingdom
Hello peeps raspberries and pink goosies are new to me this year do i cut them right down for next year
8 Oct, 2013
With gooseberries it depends to some extent on what you want. For bigger fruit I prune in February at the same time as applying sulphate of potash, shortening all the spurs back to two or three buds and cutting out any crossing branches, aiming to keep an open shape that's easier to pick from and admits more light. They still crop heavily done like this. But then I' a gooseberry addict...
8 Oct, 2013
With the rapsberries if they are summer fruiting you cut out all the canes that had fruit on them this year and trim the new canes (which will have the fruit next year) to about five foot and tie them into whatever support structure you are using. If they are autumn fruiting raspberries you cut all the canes down to around 6 inches next Feb/March time. Gooseberries bushes can be given a light pruning if needed once the leaves have fallen, but it often isn't necessary.
8 Oct, 2013